The Programme for EU Action in the Field of Lifelong Learning (the Lifelong Learning Programme – LLP)1 aims to contribute through lifelong learning to the development of the EU as an advanced knowledge society, with sustainable economic development, more and better jobs and greater social cohesion. In particular, it aims to foster interchange, co-operation and mobility between education and training institutions and systems within the EU so that they may become a world quality reference. In this way, it addresses the modernisation and adaptation of education and training systems in the participating countries, particularly in the context of the goals set out in the EU 2020 Strategy2,and brings European added value directly to individual citizens participating in its mobility and other co-operation actions.
The Lifelong Learning Programme consists of:
– four sectoral programmes focusing on school education (Comenius), higher education (Erasmus), vocational training (Leonardo da Vinci) and adult learning (Grundtvig) respectively;
– a Transversal Programme targeted on cross-sectoral areas (policy cooperation and innovation in lifelong learning, languages, development of innovative ICT, dissemination and exploitation of results);
– a programme to support teaching, research and reflection on European integration and key European institutions and associations (Jean Monnet Programme).